Vedio Marketing

Video marketing is an excellent tool for daycare centres. Videos make it easy to communicate the warmth of the facility, promote enrolment, and reassure parents about their children's well-being. GullySales simplifies creating and sharing captivating videos, allowing daycares to highlight their nurturing environment and educational programs. Even those with limited tech skills can create compelling content with user-friendly tools. We enhance visibility by optimising videos for various platforms, reaching a wider audience.



Visual Appeal

Video marketing in daycare creates engaging content, visually showcasing the safe and fun environment, attracting parents' trust.

Parental Connection

Videos establish a personal connection, allowing parents to witness their child's experiences increasing a sense of involvement and reassurance.

Educational Showcase

Highlighting educational activities through videos helps convey the daycare's commitment to child development, assuring parents of a holistic learning environment.

Broader Reach

Shareable videos enable daycares to reach a broader audience, increasing enrolment opportunities as parents readily share appealing content within their social circles.

Time-Efficient Communication

Videos efficiently communicate daycare values, staff dedication, and facilities, providing comprehensive information in a short, easily digestible format for busy parents.

Why Choose Us?

User-Friendly Platform

We provide a simple interface, making video creation and marketing easy for daycare owners, even those with minimal technical expertise.

Optimised Content

Our tools ensure daycare videos are customised for various platforms, maximising visibility and engagement with parents and potential clients.

Analytics Insights

Gain valuable data on viewer engagement, enabling strategic improvements in content. We empower daycares with the information needed to refine their marketing approach.

Cost-Effective Solution

We provide an affordable video marketing solution, helping daycares maximise their budget while effectively reaching a wider audience.

Customer Support

Our dedicated support team is ready to assist daycares throughout the video marketing journey, ensuring a smooth experience and addressing any concerns promptly.


Virtual Tours

We create engaging virtual tours of your daycare facilities, showcasing classrooms, play areas, and safety features to give parents a firsthand look.

Parent Testimonials

We capture heartfelt testimonials from parents, sharing their positive experiences and highlighting the unique aspects of your daycare.

Daily Activity Summaries

We create daily or weekly video summaries showcasing children's activities, achievements, and memorable moments, keeping parents connected and informed.

Parent Engagement Initiatives

We implement video-based parent engagement initiatives like live Q&A sessions to strengthen the connection between parents and the daycare community.

Parent Communication Videos

We use video updates to communicate important information, policy changes, or reminders directly to parents, ensuring effective visual communication.

Frequently Asked Questions

We optimise daycare videos for platforms, maximising reach and engagement and effectively showcasing their offerings.

Absolutely! We provide an affordable solution, empowering even small daycares to leverage the benefits of video marketing.

Our analytics tools provide insights into viewer engagement, helping you refine your video marketing strategy for better results.

Extremely user-friendly! We designed our platform to be accessible, ensuring daycare owners can easily create and manage compelling videos.

Certainly! We provide customisation options, allowing daycares to showcase their distinct features and create a personalised video marketing approach.

Yes, videos create a personal connection. We enable daycares to visually communicate their values, staff dedication, and educational programs effectively.

Our platform facilitates easy sharing. We optimise videos for various platforms, ensuring seamless integration with social media and other channels.

Absolutely! Engaging videos showcase your daycare's strengths, capturing parents' interest and increasing enrolment opportunities.

Yes, our dedicated support team is ready to assist. We provide prompt assistance, ensuring daycares have a smooth experience with our video marketing platform.

Not at all! We streamline the video creation and marketing process, making it efficient for daycares to showcase their facilities and activities without investing excessive time.